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+1 (541) 754-3010

732/21 Second Street, Manchester, King Street, Kingston United Kingdom

Meet YFP


ey there, food enthusiasts! I’m Eric, the culinary explorer behind Yum Food Project’s delectable dishes. Imagine a younger me, nose pressed to the TV screen, awestruck by the culinary artistry of Julia Child, Martin Yan, and the science-savvy Alton Brown. They were more than chefs; they were my early mentors in the expansive world of cuisine.

But while these TV icons lit up my screen, my strongest inspirations were much closer to home. My mom, with her deep-rooted expertise in Filipino cuisine, would whip up dishes that were nothing short of memorable. My dad? He embraced simplicity, creating plates that, while uncomplicated, packed a flavorful punch. The centerpiece of these meals? The joy and connection they brought to our family gatherings.

Enter the Yum Food Project, my platform to share, teach, and inspire. It’s not merely about introducing you to irresistible dishes, but also about making the art of cooking both accessible and thrilling for everyone. Whether you’re venturing into the precise realm of sous vide or basking in the primal allure of grilling, I’ve got your back. And for those moments when a technique feels a tad out of reach? I’ll break it down, ensuring your journey is smooth and insightful.

Questioning your prowess in the kitchen? We’ve all been there. But take a leaf out of Martin Yan’s book – “If Yan can cook, so can you!” Every culinary journey has its starting point. Armed with a bit of perseverance and boundless curiosity, you’ll soon find your rhythm.

Yum Food Project is more than a culinary collection. It melds cherished techniques from my parents, the knowledge of early 2000s chefs, and a modern sensibility that vibes with today’s dynamic food culture. It’s about fostering a shared community of food lovers, experimenting with flavors, and connecting over universally beloved dishes.

So, to all budding chefs, eager learners, and every food aficionado in between, welcome to Yum Food Project. Let’s dive deep into this world of flavors, refining our skills, and crafting some unforgettable meals together!